Data Collection Tool

Streamline, Customize, Excel: QR-Driven Data Collection for Every Business Need.

Data Collection Tool

About Data Collection Tool

The Data Collection tool simplifies the gathering of crucial information using QR codes and URLs. It features a fully customizable form, allowing for the collection of various customer details tailored to specific needs and preferences. With this platform, gathering essential information becomes effortless and efficient. Utilizing QR codes and URLs, users can seamlessly access and submit data, streamlining the entire process. The platforms flexibility enables businesses to gather diverse sets of customer information, enhancing their understanding of client needs and preferences. Whether its for market research, customer feedback, or lead generation, this platform offers a versatile solution. By providing a customizable and user-friendly interface, it empowers businesses to collect data accurately and comprehensively. Ultimately, the Data collection tool simplifies data gathering, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and better serve their customers.

The platform offers a fully customizable form, incorporating a diverse set of controls, including select lists, checkboxes, date pickers, text boxes, text areas, radio buttons, and more. This allows businesses to collect a wide range of customer details, tailored to specific needs and preferences and can view collected data from admin panel easily

Benefits And Features

  • QR Code and URL Integration: Enables seamless data collection through QR codes and URLs.
  • Fully Customizable Form: Allows to tailor data collection forms to specific needs and preferences.
  • Effortless Information Gathering: Simplifies the process of gathering crucial customer information.
  • Streamlined Data Submission: Users can easily access and submit data, enhancing efficiency.
  • Data view options: allow users to analyze collected data efficiently, offering diverse perspectives
  • Flexibility: Enables businesses to collect diverse sets of customer information to better understand client needs and preferences.
  • Versatile Solution: Suitable for various purposes such as market research, customer feedback, and lead generation.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Provides a customizable and easy-to-use interface for seamless data collection.
  • Accurate Data Collection: Empowers businesses to collect data accurately and comprehensively.
  • Improved Customer Service: Enables businesses to better serve their customers by understanding their needs and preferences effectively.

Use Cases

  • Hospitality
  • Offices
  • Retail
  • Factory and Industries 
  • Market research
  • Customer feedback
  • Job Application 

Frequently Asked Questions

From your admin panel, you can view and download it as pdf file.

Yes, you can give any redirecting URL after form submission

Yes, you can set custom validation rules for form fields.

The platform generates QR codes and unique URLs for each form created. Users can share these QR codes or URLs with their audience.

Yes, the platform offers a fully customizable form fields, allowing businesses to build the forms according to their specific data collection requirements.

In A4 and A6 sizes, you can customise your print designs as per your brand colours and logo. You can also download a QR image and design.

No, there is no limits for adding questions.

Yes, you can easily edit existing forms on the platform by accessing the form editor, making necessary changes, and saving the updates. Changes will reflect immediately on the associated QR code and URL.

Minimum subscription period is 1 Year.

By logging into your admin panel, you can renew your subscription online.